Alonso wraps up his new ride in Indonesia and will be the Moto3 champion in Japan
El colombiano David Alonso (CFMoto) sumó su novena victoria de la temporada al vencer el Gran Premio de Indonesia de Moto3 en el circuito Mandalika de la isla de Lombok,…
Per Capita Growth under Trump vs. Biden
Growth in the first three years of Biden was 3.0%, vs 2.1% under Trump (pre-pandemic). Figure 1: Per capita GDP in Ch.2017$ SAAR (grey), on log scale. Orange arrow is…
Austria voted in one of the elections that could later be voted on in Europe
“Hace veinte, o treinta años, Europa boicoteó al gobierno austriaco porque entró como socio nuestro querido FPÖ. Ahora depende solo de los austríacos que Herbert Kickl sea su canciller del…
Decomposing the Revision to GDO
One of the interesting aspects of the annual revision is that, contrary to what happens with typical (non-annual) revisions, GDI moved towards GDP, rather than the reverse. Figure 1: GDP…
“Gran Hermano”, “Salvados” and “Una nueva vida”, in the “prime time” of Domingo
Telecinco emite esta noche a las 22:00 horas un nuevo programa de ‘Gran Hermano. El Debate‘. En la gala, el casting final irá tomando forma al descubrirse la identidad del…
Betting Markets on the Election, Again
Perhaps someone can tell me why we get such different bets depending on platform (and why doesn’t RealClearPolitics include PredictIt)? First, something that popped into my mailbox this AM from…
What is the best skin apnea treatment for women?
Hay tratamientos para la apnea del sueño. Y es importante que descubramos el que mejor nos va para evitar el peligro que supone. El síndrome de apnea obstructiva del sueño…
Business Cycle Indicators – August 2024 and Annual Updates
Still hard to see the recession in (preliminary) August 2024 data. Figure 1: Nonfarm Payroll (NFP) employment from CES (blue), implied NFP from preliminary benchmark (bold blue), civilian employment (orange),…
During the operation of the Brazilian police, five minors were killed
Cinco personas que practicaban minería ilegal en una tierra indígena murieron este sábado durante un operativo realizado por la Policía y autoridades ambientales, informaron fuentes oficiales. Los hechos ocurrieron en…
Instantaneous PCE Core Inflation below 2%
With August data: Figure 1: Instantaneous inflation for core CPI (blue), chained core CPI (tan), supercore CPI (pink), services supercore (light green), PPI core (red), and PCE core (green), per…