there sea ​​lei collected in the South Korean normative framework establishes in its article 77. 1. that “when it is necessary to face a military need or maintain security and public safety through the mobilization of military forces in time of war, armed conflict or national emergency similar, el Presidente You can declare the law according to the law.

The legal lei in practice suggests paralización de la actividad parlamentaria. But no one paralyzes political activity in the leadership of the National Assembly, otherwise it also paralyzes the political activity of the cities, in a way that is equivalent to an effective military situation. Any political activity in Korea is prohibited by law, and all means of communication are not subject to surveillance.

In parallel, properly speaking ban all political activity in any environmentin local councils, including political parties and municipal associations, as well as meetings and demonstrations of non-participants.

All media and publications are subject to the control of the marketing authorityin the practice of military commands. After the statement of the President of South Korea, Yoon Seok Yeol, on television, the demonstrators are directed to the parliament, surrounded and controlled by the Ejército. Algunos helicopters landed on the floor of the parliament building in Seoul to be kicked out

Military law provided for the appointment of a commander-in-chief. In this case, it is the name of the mayor of the Estado Mayor Conjunto (JCS), Park Ahn-Soo. As you know, Defense Minister Kim Yong-hyun ordered strict surveillance of the Ejército in order to avoid the loss of the state and for the president of the Gobierno siga al frente de las de las de las cheques.

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