As I assumed at the time of my sale as the director responsible for the economic sphere of FC Barcelona, ​​this is the reason for the objective of neutralizing the recurring losses of 200 million euros in the normal negotiations in 2017. -18 period. finally Thanks to the work and heart of President Joanne Laporte, the board members and club officials, this is a reality.


Necessarily, as in everything in life, we can see vaso medio lleno or medio vacío. However, we need not worry only about self-interested comparisons that change signs at everyone’s convenience. Explain to me. If the first time of the current Executive Council you lose the lunch thanks to the “palancas”, ahora que se ha podido taponar el desagüe y neutralizezar esas asas nos entramos con una “contra palanca” que de igual form que antes es un extraordinary. Therefore, at any time it is considered that this will be the necessary mechanism to oversee the Club and that these extraordinary ingredients will be able to buy time to restore the difficult situation without prejudice to any compromise with which the permission can be transferred to the professional teams to seguir siendo compétivos a nivel deportivo.


Hablando de la levera de Bridgeburg (Barça Studios) es bueno recordar que obedece a change de las glas de la juego de LaLiga a midio partido. We agreed to sell 10% of the La Liga TV show in the final of the month of youth, and in return we did not agree to an additional 15% mismo a few days after July. LaLiga is the league standard. You must react so that you can register among the players who have been compromised by the club. After other times it is clear. Unfortunately, our cordial relationship and cooperation is the maximum for the recovery of LaLiga and the important achievement achieved by FC Barcelona.

That’s what NFT, Metaverso, Artificial Intelligence is all about. If well appreciated by an important figure, faltaba sequence of negotiations. Eso es en lo que se ha ido trabajando desde entonces. However, the future value of this unit will be much higher than its current value, but as always, it requires a period of maturity..

Excellent work

Recuerden que l’primero que hizo esta Junta Directiva, además de ir apagando fuegos, fue acometer un plan de saneamiento y viabilidad. Eso dio sus frutos y se consiguió reducir el gasto de may important. Between our chapters, more than 170 million in the sports salary pool has reached the current 500 million, which allows us to reduce the coefficients recommended by UEFA. In addition, we aim to maintain the competitive level of the plants of our various teams and compensate our losses through our mercado earnings.

Another pata consists of its ingredients, and it is necessary that, if it requires a longer period of ripening, it behaves very well. He received his legacy investment and billing information from BLM’s merchandising subsidiary. Ademas, Club ha sabido sells players. Quidada!!! 40 million is required to be returned annually to the farm and training teams. Los jugadores no sale de la nada nor son gratis.

And all the previous ones have a typical situation like the security of the first team in Manjuic. At the same time, we anticipate a loss of 100 million in timely order deposits that we receive at the old Spotify Camp Nou.


We all have an Ebitda figure that we interpret as around 125/150 million. There is a good senda from new sensations. What is important is the assumption of this approximate time, which must assume the consolidation of these ordinary numbers. With the Manjuic effect. The junta must not relax or harbor mana. It is easy to lose it quickly and to restore it for a long time.

Until June 2026, when Spotify Camp Nou will be fully returned, allowing you to pay 300/350 million over time. As they always say and this must be insisted on, The club needs a generation level to bring the current 2100 million back to the 500s and up to the 600sin accordance with article 67 of FC Barcelona’s statute, which means that the club’s maximum price must be the basis of Ebitda. So yes, we always say that there is a reason for the death of the Spanish Barca, as explained in the CEO of my life.

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