at Calculated Risk on 12/31/2024 05:07:00 PM

Today, in the Calculated Risk Real Estate Newsletter: Fannie and Freddie: Single Family and Multi-Family Serious Delinquency Rates Increased in November


Happy New Years! Best wishes for 2025, Bill

Single-family and multi-family serious delinquencies increased in November.

Fannie Freddie Serious Delinquency RateHere are the multi-family 60+ day delinquency rates since 2006.

Freddie Mac (blue) reports that the multi-family delinquencies rate increased to 0.40% in November, up from 0.40% in October, and down from the recent peak of 0.44% in January 2024.

Fannie Mae (red) reports that the multi-family delinquencies rate increased to 0.61% in November, up from 0.57% in October, and is at the highest rate since 2011 (excluding pandemic).

There is much more in the article.

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