bee Calculated Risk On 3/18/2025 08:30:00 AM

From the Census Bureau: Permits, Starts and Completions

Housing Start:
Privately-Owned Housing Start in February Were at a Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate or 1,501,000. This is 11.2 percent above the revised January estimate of 1,350,000, but is 2.9 percent below the February 2024 rate of 1,546,000. Single-Family Housing Start in February were at a rate of 1,108,000; This is 11.4 percent above the revised January Figure of 995,000. The February Rate for units in buildings with five units or more was 370,000.

Building Permits:
Privately-Owned housing units authorized by building permits in February were at a seasonally Adjusted annual rate of 1,456,000. This is 1.2 percent below the revised January rate of 1,473,000 and is 6.8 percent below the February 2024 Rate of 1,563,000. Single-Family Authorizations in February were at a rate of 992,000; This is 0.2 percent below the revised January Figure of 994,000. Authorizations of units in buildings with five units or more were at a rate of 404,000 in February.

Emphasis added

Multi Housing Starts and Single Family Housing StartsClick on graph for larger image.

The First Graph Shows Single and Multi-Family Housing Starts Since 2000.

Multi-Family Starts (Blue, 2+ Units) increased month-Over-Month in February. Multi-Family Starts Were Down 4.6% Year-Over-Year.

Single-Family Starts (Red) increased in February and were down 2.3% year-over-Year.

Multi Housing Starts and Single Family Housing StartsThe Second Graph Shows Single and Multi-Family Housing Starts Since 1968.

This shows the huge collapse following the housing bubble, and then the eventual recovery – and the recent collapse and recovery in single -family start.

Total Housing Start in February Were above expectations; However, starting in December and January were revised down slightly, combined.

Ill have more later…

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