bee Calculated Risk On 2/25/2025 09:54:00 AM
Today, in the Calculated Risk Real Estate Newsletter: Case-Shiller: National House Price Index Up 3.9% Year-Over-Year in December
S&P/Case-shiller released the monthly home price indices for December (“December” is a 3-month average of October, November and December closing prices). December Closing prices include some contracts signed in August, so there is a significant laugh to this data. Here is a graph of the month-Over-Month (Mom) change in the Case-Shiller National Index Seasonally Adjusted (SA).
The Mom increase in the seasonally Adjusted (SA) Case-Shiller National Index was at 0.46% (A 5.7% annual rate), this was the 23rd concutive mom increase in the seasonally adjusted index.
On a seasonally adjusted base, prices increased month-to-month in 18 of the 20 case-shiller cities (prices declined in Washington, DC and Tampa seasonally adjusted). San Francisco has fallen 5.7% from the recent peak, Phoenix is down 1.2% from the peak, and tampa down 1.2%.
There is much more in the article.