bee Calculated Risk On 2/19/2025 08:30:00 AM
From the Census Bureau: Permits, Starts and Completions
Housing Start:
Privately-Owned Housing Starts in January Were at a SEASONALLY Adjusted Annual Rate or 1,366,000. This is 9.8 percent below the revised December estimate of 1,515,000 and is 0.7 percent below the January 2024 rate of 1,376,000. Single-Family Housing Start in January Were at a rate of 993,000; This is 8.4 percent below the revised December figures of 1,084,000. The January Rate for units in buildings with five units or more was 355,000.Building Permits:
Privately-Owned housing units authorized by building permits in January at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1,483,000. This is 0.1 percent above the revised December rate of 1,482,000, but is 1.7 percent below the January 2024 rate of 1.508,000. Single-Family Authorizations in January were at a rate of 996,000; This is virtually unchanged from the revised December figures of 996,000. Authorizations of units in buildings with five units or more were at a rate of 427,000 in January.
Emphasis added
Click on graph for larger image.
The First Graph Shows Single and Multi-Family Housing Starts Since 2000.
Multi-Family Starts (Blue, 2+ units) decreased month-Over-Month in January. Multi-Family Starts Were Up 2.2% Year-Over-Year.
Single-Family Starts (Red) decreased in January and were down 1.8% year-over-Year.
The Second Graph Shows Single and Multi-Family Housing Starts Since 1968.
This shows the huge collapse following the housing bubble, and then the eventual recovery – and the recent collapse and recovery in single -family start.
Total Housing Start in January Were below Expectations; However, start in November and December were revised up.
Ill have more later…