In principle, life was drained exclusively in water and then no other firm was allowed to colonize. But now we are tired the first sounds of this adventure with medium acoustics it is not yet firmly established. Unfortunately, the more widely accepted theory is that arthropods are the pioneers of the earth’s environment, but a new study categorically disagrees.

Arthropods are a group of invertebrates distributed on all planets between their hemiarthropods, which represent insects and spiders. Its animals have a high degree of adaptation and, therefore, spread far and wide across the surface of the land.

The fact is that animal pods are best preserved in fossil fuels, and they know in abundance that primitive land animals will be born.

Many of the first animals known to have the hardest outer shells, increasing their chances of preservation as fossils compared to other groups of animals. The existing number of these restaurants has been increased so that arthropods Shawn are considered to be the first colonizers mundane but new investigation where it can be explored.

Los molluscos fueron los pioneros

Scientists are already studying animals that moved to land more than 500 million years ago, and believe that they were born as molluscs. This is different a large group of invertebrate animals between fish and real claws, coracles and squids.

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Monoplatóforos as it is the habitat sido of the first land animals

“The most interesting part of this investigation is to discover that arthropods cannot live without the first animals while exploring the adjacent areas explored in the intersea region,” confirmed Zekun Wang, a paleontologist at the London Natural History Museum and lead author of the study.

“In the changes, Molluscs or animals parecidos a los moluscos podriana ser los pioneers of these first incursiones en tierra que remontan al Cámbrico. These animals can stay in the air for less than 15 minutes, so no one will take a step and die immediately, otherwise they can spend a reasonable amount of time in the water.”

History of 500 million years

Animals have evolved in the ocean for over 500 million years and have remained confined to the marine environment for millions of years.

Fossils show that there are 420 million years of life for animals that live in water, but we little understand how the transition from sea to sea takes place, hecho that continues to intrigue scientists.

The first movements are likely to occur when animals living on the coast venture to move temporarily to another firm before dying or returning to the water later. However, there is only more difficult than this responsible period Fossils do not store well in the environment.we hope that you will be exposed to olas and meteorological phenomena.

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Fossil fuel molluscs are very fungozo
Wang Z

Scientists in front of the fault of restaurants for animals Buscarone fossils preserved in exposed rocks for 500 million years. Fossils are traces of biological activity of animals that have already been recorded so you can pick up these creatures.

“Nuestro primer paso fue identificar qué type of animals formed esos primeros fossils-traza that perhaps it will be created in sediments exposed to air,” says Zekun.

Scientists study fossil fuels that reveal why they are the first land colonizers

“In studying the cells of living and fossil animals, we found patterns in addition to movements that have characteristics of a group in particular. We apply this to fossil cells and can determine that they are probably produced by molecules.”

“Then we did some computer simulations trust as moose antiguos animals move through the sediments in the surroundings, which are in water and exposed to air“. This allows the equipment to distinguish between trace fossils that form underwater and those that form in the stratum, where we need to confirm that the observed fossils were formed by a mollusc moving on the stratum. However, it also allows scientists to calculate how long they there is not enough water.

Colonization of Sowell

The removal of animals must be considered on the way to life as we know it.

From the beginning, the terrestrial environment was proportional an opportunity for marine animals to escape from predators You can access new food sources with limited competence. This can be an important lifeline that will benefit individuals who survive longer with water.

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Life was born in an acoustic environment

At the same time, molluscs, animals and other animals must be subjected to characteristics that allow them to pass longer than water. Finally, after decades of millions of years, we can survive in this permanent form.

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