email the tourist market of Spain sigue showing signos de recovery tras cerrar el mes de noviembre con una down 6.4% in additional sales, alcanzando in total 83339 registered units. Según la Asociación Española de Manufactureres de Automóviles y Truckes (Anfac), it deals tercerer mes consecutive alzaa trend that follows from it increasing all sales channelsespecially in Alquiladoresy por el auge de los conventional hybrids (HEV)that siguen ganando terreno en nuestro mercado.
In the sum of annual accumulation (year-new year), sales last year 911,503 unitswhere suppose up 5.1% respect the mismo period of the previous year. From now on, this trend will take place in December, The sector may close a year before the units milla hito that devolvería cierta stabilidad a mercado que aún siente los efectos de la pandemia.
Electrified tourism located in the valley
In connection with the general growth of the market, sales of goods electrified vehicles (electrics and hybrids) bajaron a 7.8% in Novembertras alcanzar las 10664 units matriculadas, what does it represent 12.8% of the total number of male admissions.
Another year, over the years, electrified accumulates in total 100,802 units were sold, down 0.5% that in the period mismo 2023. It should be 11.06% from the general market.

The dealer channel will direct the momentum of the market
The main sales channels (alquiladores, particulares y empresas) show positive signs in November. However, the maximum increase was recorded. channel Alquiladoreswith one subsidence of 59.8% and 7760 units. therefore The details channel suffered 1.6% with 41,429 signupsI will tell you this The business channel improved 4.5% with 34,150 units.
Sales of local businesses in Baharon in November
In the segment of light commercial vehiclesNovember registered a decrease by 4.5%, with 13,816 registered units. Without embargo, in annual accumulation, this segment shows one up 13.8%Alcansand 151,309 units.
On the channels, bro autonomous as businesses delete my minus, con interest 0.8% and 6.7%respectively. Individual moose Alquiladores logaron cifras positivas, con un up 6.7% in November.
Industrial and bus companies keep pace
Registration number industrial vehicles, buses, city and minibuses register one light increase 0.5% in November, alcanzando las 3,358 units. Depending on the annual accumulation, sales of this type of car we suffered 14.9%, from 34,268 units.
Within this segment they are industrial vehicles register one 3% increasewith 3,051 registrations. Por otro lado, los buses sufrieron notable down 19.2% in addition to sales, 307 units were registered in November.