Las patrols of St Civil Guard No one needs to wait for a team of doctors to sit with them in the door of Lidl. “Os estamos pidiendo agua! ¡No tenemos ni agua para baby¡”. The doors are broken, as are the supermarkets and other ships.

Agents don’t have the ability to hold that many people, patrols are the ones who try to avoid robbery while they get lost for a minute. “Preferimos ayudar en otras cosas”, sayen suiendo al todoterreno.

In e-mail industrial site of the municipality of Valencia Benetusser hay for families with small children can drink drinking water. Do not hold on to the child. Tampoco tienen comida. Bottles of water from the King of Burgundy are worth more than gold, extract other (menos) arrastran boxes centos de kilos llenos de todo type of products that we do not want to be the first necessary. A man has loaded a washing machine into his car, where some of the waste is in his oven with various microwaves. The Civil Guard should not contain ola.

“Llevamos días sin agua, y la comida de la nevera se ha echado a perder.” It’s hard for us to deal with the supermarket, but we can’t buy any of them, and our girls tend to be like that in a box,” said Agustin, a father of three teenage girls. Leave for 3 hours and do not add water.

Esperando glasses supply

A single person on the road with his car, that is, one with a car on the road. “In Massanassa there is no question where everything is, hasta los bajos ¿Tú created that in a juguetería hay vienes de primera necesidad? No hay ley, están robando todo,” he lamented.

Like everyone else, a buska of water and food. “Los pueblos están desolados, y mis familiares en Valencia no me pueden traer nada de compra en coche, nos tenemos que apañar como sea,” said Nacho.

“Where we didn’t get water, people did,” explained a woman who walked into Lidl to think, literally, where she could. The supermarket is also completely damaged because the hurricane passed through it.

An advanced woman helps a small child into the refrigerator, with the sound of an alarm clock. This is the only place where this food item is in good condition. People get wet all the time. A man in a local police shirt takes a bunch of flowers and gets into the car “we can’t buy a website, we don’t have any products or forms of services. consume food ayuntamientos o Generalitat tendsrían que hacer algo. People cannot come.”

Solidarity in tragedy

Aunque no lo parezca, la solidarity es generalizada en la tragedy. A group of young men approached the Burguer King window and it was ready for shelter. You see bags of water bottles. There are 10 of them, but they only have one “Perdona, necesitas agua? The gritan a cada familia que pasa”, here they are in the package.

“We don’t need anything, but we are all satisfied. Exactly,” explains how they enter the building and take more bottles or drinks.

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