Hay puestos en el extranjero que atraen como imanes a los funcionarios públicos que quieren salir fuera un tiempo. La Real Academia de España en Roma es uno de ellos, y no solo por los 122.162 euros de salario bruto. “Tiene un presupuesto importante; autonomía, porque eres tu propio jefe; y una sede magnífica: trabajas viendo el Templete de Bramante [del siglo XVI]”, says one of the diplomatic sites consulted for the development of this article, which prefers to remain anonymous because we do not allow them to be written with the owner. The Academy is in the Rome Convention San Pietro in Mantoriobuilt just in the place where the Christian tradition is based on the martyrdom of the apostle Pedro. “Imagine a giant mayor’s college. “All I live for a while are high-level artists that I chose and studied, with the condition that I start with creative work, that I enter the Academy and I have to do an exhibition there,” he recalls.

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