That’s EJ Antoni Talking on Something Called Wealthion at Minute 3:30.

It’s a free country (thus far), but really, this guy casting aspersions on other economists’ qualifications are pretty amazing.

Who gave this guy an economics Ph.D. (CONT’D)?

EJ Antoni/Heritage Foundation (Aug 5): “I would not be surprised if a recession is backdated to july or the current month”

EJ Antoni/Heritage on What Unemployment Rate We Should Be Looking At

EJ Antoni on the Recession

How did this guy get a Ph.D. In Economics?

Disingenuousnous Watch

Has American Economic Output Been in Decline Since 2022?

“Fake” Economic Activity

Did Government Employment Account for Most of September’s Employment Gains?

The Great Replacement “Theory” * Comes to Economics at Heritage

The Echo Chamber of Stupid: “Recession Since 2022”

The sad thing is that Dr. Antoni presumably knows he is playing fast and loose with the data.

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